Faculty of Agriculture (Undergraduate) Admission Policy

The Faculty of Agriculture produces a diverse group of exceptional individuals with broad perspectives and specialized knowledge by providing systematic education in fundamental subjects common to each field and implementing specialized education corresponding to the characteristics of each department. The Faculty of Agriculture seeks individuals who are motivated to boldly tackle the problems their departments are examining, have the fundamental academic abilities required by the specializations they will be pursuing, and meet the following requirements:

  1. Individuals interested in various local and international problems related to food, life, resources and the environment who are motivated to use the knowledge they acquire to help address these problems.
  2. Individuals capable of viewing the various problems facing humanity from different angles, summarizing their ideas, and clearly expressing their solutions to others in Japanese.
  3. Individuals who have fundamental textbook-level knowledge of the primary disciplines and subjects taught at the high school level and who have knowledge and skills in math, science and English obtained through practical, experience-based learning.

Contents of This Page

Department of Biological Production

  1. The objective of the Department of Biological Production is to produce individuals with broad perspectives whose understanding of agriculture in Japan and the rest of the world is both comprehensive and deep, and who have advanced, specialized knowledge in agriculture and exceptional fundamental and practical skills in the fields of production environments, plant production, animal production, and agricultural management and economics. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals who are interested in problems related to food, agriculture, rural communities and sustainable agriculture and other problems facing humanity, and who are motivated to obtain advanced, specialized agricultural knowledge.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in biology and other scientific subjects as well as in fundamental subjects such as Japanese, math, and English.

Department of Applied Biological Science

  1. The objective of the Department of Applied Biological Science is to produce individuals with broad perspectives who have exceptional fundamental and practical skills in bioscience and biotechnology fields such as molecular biochemistry, biofunctional chemistry and bioregulation. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals interested in bioscience and biotechnology fields that are motivated to contribute to society and the world through activities in those fields.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in biology, chemistry and other scientific subjects as well as in fundamental subjects such as Japanese, math and English.

Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences

  1. The objective of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences is to produce insightful and curious individuals who seek to develop science and technology that promotes the harmonious existence of humanity and the global environment and are capable of helping to resolve environmental and resource-related problems using the fundamental academic abilities they obtain in biology, chemistry, physics and other natural sciences. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals interested in problems related to the environment and resources that are motivated to help solve these problems.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in biology, chemistry, physics and other scientific subjects as well as in fundamental subjects such as Japanese, math and English.

Department of Ecoregion Science

  1. The objective of the Department of Ecoregion Science is to produce talented individuals who view forests and rural and urban areas as part of a continuous community; have knowledge of the regional management and planning of the diverse relationships between agricultural activities, nature and human activities through the combined use of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences; and use this knowledge to solve problems at companies, research institutions, government agencies and communities. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals interested in problems related to regional ecology and the management, planning and revival of industry and society, and who are motivated to help solve these problems.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in math, science, English and other fundamental subjects as well as an interest in the social sciences.

Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine

  1. Motivated by the principle that veterinarians contribute to the health and welfare of humanity and animals, the Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine's objective is to produce individuals with global perspectives who are capable of providing high-quality veterinary care and contributing to human health, food safety and the development of life science research. To that end, the Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine seeks students from Japan and around the world who have the following abilities and qualifications:
  2. Individuals wishing to become veterinarians who are motivated to contribute to the advancement of veterinary medicine and interested in and motivated to explore natural and biological phenomena.
  3. Individuals eager to support international communication and cooperation, and learn from and contribute to the world, who are proactive and always seeking personal development, and who are motivated to contribute to society, explore issues and solve problems.
